Involuntary Expression – premier!

Involuntary Expression is my latest acousmatic composition realised in 6th-order 3D ambisonics.

Premier: 11th September 2017 (19.00). Ultima Festival. Marmorsalen, Sentralen, Oslo, using 3DA’s 24-channel loudspeaker array.


Involuntary Expression explores music that emerges from the micro-movements of hundreds of subjects. Micro-movements are the body’s small movements that we ourselves may feel, but for a viewer are undetectable. These movements are present in all we do, and can feel significant even though invisible. Likewise, when we watch a musician, we see the larger movements and how they connect to the sound we hear, yet the micro-movements, vital in the control of the sound, are known only to the musician herself. For more information: click here to access my main website

photos from setting up

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